Monitor 40 41 441 2400
The basic service parts for all the 40,000 btu kerosene heaters are the same. When ordering always specify the exact model that you have.
ALWAYS include your phone number on the second address line when ordering.
ALWAYS include your phone number on the second address line when ordering.
Monitor 441 Flame Rod Gasket M6119
The most used service part for Monitor Heaters... If you have a carbon bridge on the flame rod you will need to replace this gasket when servicing the flame rod. If your Monitor 441 intermittent because the flame ring is warping you can often double up the Flame Rod Gasket to get a few more years of use before you need to rebuild.
Monitor 441 Burner Ring M6356
The Flame Ring or Burner Ring on the Monitor 441 often warps with time causing intermittent operation and soot buildup. It can be replaced through the access to the combustion chamber. Make sure you also order the chamber gasket below.
Monitor 441 Burner Pot M6401
You can clean and rebuild a burner pot by replacing the mat. Often the Burner Pot has cracks around the fuel inlet and must be replaced
Monitor 441 Bearing M6415
Whining blower motor bearings can be replaced. This does take some level of mechanical skill. The same replacement Bearings fit the Circulation Fan Motor and Combustion Motor. Sold as a pair. When replacing blower motor bearings remember to replace the Solenoid O-ring at this time.
Monitor 441 Blower Motor M6348
The blower motor blows the combustion air inside the heater. Sometimes the blower motor can not be repaired by just bearing replacement and needs to be replaced. Water damage and corrosion may require a total motor replacement.
Monitor 441 Circulation Fan Motor M6453
The circulation fan motor powers the fan that blows the hot air. It is in the fan cage on the back of the heater, is easy to replace... but they rarely fail.
Monitor 441 Solenoid O-ring M7201
A broken o-ring can cause the air damper solenoid to jam and cause poor combustion on low burn. Replace a broken O-ring before it damages the combustion chamber and flame ring. Mounts on solenoid shaft in air damper.
Monitor 441 Door Base Gasket M6350
The main gasket that is needed when cleaning the combustion chamber
Monitor 441 Igniter M6311
Replacement igniter for M2400 M441 M41 and M40. Also order M6115 igniter inner gasket required. To determine if your igniter is bad check it with a VOM. If OPEN then it is bad and needs to be replaced. Remember to soak up any excess kerosene in combustion chamber with a rolled up paper towel through the igniter hole. That will prevent overheating on startup.
M441 Igniter Gasket Inner M6115
Igniter Gasket, Inner. The gasket that slides over end of Igniter.
Monitor 441 Igniter Gasket Outer M6354
Igniter Gasket, Outer. Metal cover mounts over this gasket.
Monitor 441 Chamber Gasket M6317
The Chamber Gasket is at the bottom of the combustion chamber it mounts the Burner Pot to case. Often this gasket can be reused if it stays in place during a rebuild.
Monitor 441 Window Gasket M6124
Goes between the Window Glass and the Heat Exchanger.
Monitor 441 Window Frame Gasket M6125
Goes between the Window Glass and the frame.
Monitor 441 Window Glass M6405
Replace that crazed and cloudy glass.